CLICK HEREfor the Audio recording of the Readings of May 10th, 2020. Fifth Sunday of Easter.
CLICK HEREfor the Readings of May 10th, 2020. Fifth Sunday of Easter.
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A Sunday Mass Story
Join Fr. Anthony as he reflects on his memories from his childhood days through his life's journey from Uganda to Lunenburg...
"This also gives you the impression of what Church and faith are to me, my family and the people from the area I grew up." -Fr. Anthony READ MORE
May 10th, 2020. Fifth Sunday of Easter.
You are “a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people of his own, so that you may announce the praises” of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. 1 Peter 2: 9
A Christian ‘mindset’
Mindset; it is all about one’s mindset, you must have the ‘right mindset’, ‘a positive mindset’. The word ‘mindset’ is frequently part of our daily conversations and language. It simply refers to one’s attitude to life or approach or even further, the spirit with which we confront and overcome our daily challenges.
What does a ‘Christian mindset’ look like? How might one describe it? In what does it consist? This is the theme of today’s readings.
The First reading is again from Acts of the Apostles. As I mentioned before, the book of the Acts of the Apostles has been about the life of a flourishing first Christian community. A community that was exploding in growth. Today, however, we listen to a different story. The reading is about the first friction (internal conflict or rift). We know that the community grew, partly because of the way they served each other: gathering to listen to the word of God, sharing possessions with the poor etc. But this is now not happening. There is neglect of Diasporan Jewish widows. There seems to be a growing prejudice against the Diaspora Jews. There are problems of ‘rank’ now in the community.
Neglect and intolerance are not the vocabulary of a Christian; they do not make up a Christian mindset/approach. The Apostle (Elders) immediately confront this malady. “Brothers, select from among you seven reputable men, filled with the Spirit and wisdom, whom we shall appoint to this task…” (Acts of the Apostles 6: 3). The Apostles' main concern is the Spirit of the Risen Christ must continue, meaning the Gospel must be translated into everyday living, happenings, action (more so in the way we attend and serve others)
What actions or attitudes in your life bring about a conflict (interior or exterior) with the Gospel you profess? When and where in your life does your Christian identity/belief all of a sudden fade? You do not want it noticed and why? Where do you see neglect of others in society and what have you done about it?
Worry, anxiety or uncertainty is the one thing that we are sure will distract or disfigure anybody’s mindset. Jesus notices this in the disciples. They are paralyzed with fear of the unknown. Jesus is going to suffer and die. What will happen after? What will they do without him? So, Jesus reassures them, “Do not let your hearts be troubled. You have faith in God; have faith also in me. In my Father’s house there are many dwelling place…” (John 14: 2) Speaking to Thomas he says to them: “I am the way, the truth and the Life” (John 14: 6). To live and act and do what Jesus did is to have a Christian mindset. As the disciples (we) do, so he will be present. We will have the same courage and spirit as he did. Our lives will bear fruit as his did.
When Phillip insists again that Jesus show them the way, Jesus seems agitated and answers: “Have I been with you for so long a time and you still do not know me, Philip? (John 14: 9) How often times we play blind even when we know how a Christian should act or behave?
A true Christian mindset is fulfilling our Christian obligations. The question is, how do you translate the Gospel into your everyday living, in your actions, happenings and relating with others. Does the approach or attitude of Jesus 'show'?
If our Christian lives are to bear fruit, it all begins here.
This pandemic might be the best time for all of us to reset our Christian mindset.
A blessed week in the Lord. Fr. Anthony
View the below video for another Reflection on the readings.