The word of God discerns reflections and thoughts of the heart. Hebrews 4:12-13
Introduction to the Liturgy of the Day
We come here today in various states of disrepair. Perhaps we are worn down by an exhausting week of work. Perhaps we are trying to cope with family or marital difficulties. Perhaps we have been wracked by grief, or guilt, or despair. The truth is that this is the human condition. We’re human; we’re imperfect. We would do well to recognize this. We need to repent, to forgive, to reconcile. We need to look to God, who makes all things perfect. May Jesus’ words to his disciples give us the hope we need: “All things are possible for God.”
Introduction to the Liturgy of the Word
Jesus issues a difficult challenge to us today. In order to inherit life, we need to do more than just observe all the commandments. Much more. So much more that the potential disciple who asked him what he must do to inherit life turned on his heel and walked away, crestfallen. Jesus then warns his disciples how difficult it is to enter the kingdom of God. But just as his disciples feel like giving up, Jesus gives them—and us— some much-needed hope. May we embrace the wisdom that the first reading encourages us to seek and discover the hope we have in God.
Today we hear Jesus challenge the man who presses him for more insight after being told that he must observe the commandments. Jesus tells him that if he sells his possessions and gives the proceeds to the poor, he will have treasure in heaven. A few weeks from now, we will hear Jesus say that the greatest com mandment is to love God and love your neighbor as yourself. Today we hear him give a lesson on that second part. Anyone who is poor is our neighbor. If you love your neighbor, then you want to help them out, whether they live on the next block or in the third world.
We may feel that we’ve earned our possessions, and in a sense we may be right. Perhaps we’ve worked hard in our career and have steadily received raises. Perhaps we’ve scrimped and saved for decades, forgoing luxuries, and have a nice nest egg. Perhaps we’ve cared for our parents in their old age and inherited their wealth. But is it not our God-given talents, intelligence, strength, and abilities that enable us to do all those things? Perhaps it is wise to regard our possessions as transitory, making them easier to part with. After all, we can’t bring any of these things to the kingdom of God, where we will live in perfect happiness even without any possessions.
When Jesus responded to the rich man, he looked to him with love. Do you think the man noticed? It’s obvious he heard Jesus’ words, for his face fell regard ing the “selling your possessions” part. But did he realize that Jesus truly loved him? Did he realize that, out of love, Jesus extended two invitations to him? He heard the first one, but did it disappoint him so much that he missed the second: “then come, follow me”? (Mark 10:21). This, truly, is the more important one. This is the choice Jesus invites us to make today: will we follow our belongings, our bank accounts, our wealth? Or will we sacrifice those to follow him?
Question of the Week Would my face fall if I were the person in the Gospel with many possessions? What can I do to follow Jesus’ command?
-from Pastoral Patterns
readings of the mass
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