The spirit of truth proceeds from the Father. John 15:26
Introduction to the Liturgy of the Day
On this day we celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit into our world to stay with us always. Three months ago we began our journey from Lent to Easter, from winter to spring, from darkness to light, from death to new life. It is a journey of conversion and transformation, not only for those who were baptized, confirmed, or received their first communion during this time, but for all of us. The arrival of the Holy Spirit fulfills Jesus’ promise to his disciples and blesses us as we live our new lives in the Risen Lord.
Introduction to the Liturgy of the Word
Today we hear two different versions of how the Holy Spirit came upon the apostles. One takes place after Jesus has ascended to the Father. The Holy Spirit appears as tongues of fire, leading them to proclaim God’s mighty acts in different tongues. In the other, Jesus himself breathes upon the apostles, gently releasing the Holy Spirit upon them. Listening to God’s word, may we be reminded that the Holy Spirit comes to us and our neighbor in different ways and at different times.
“A mighty wind swept over the waters” in advance of the first moment of creation in the initial verses of the Bible (Genesis 1:2). Today we hear that when the Holy Spirit came to the apostles, the noise was “like a strong driving wind” (Acts 2:2). Wind is a driving force. It stirred up the chaos that preceded God’s words of creation. It filled the house where the apostles met to pray with noise and fire. It drove their transformed voices out into the streets. Immediately after this scene, it propelled the disciples outside to the crowds, where they gave witness to God’s mighty acts.
The mighty acts they were sure to speak of the most were Jesus’ death and resurrection. God’s unparalleled love and mercy has been made manifest for us through Jesus’ sacrifice for our sins and his promise of eternal life. We received the Holy Spirit at baptism. Now the Spirit drives us to take up our common mission to proclaim the Good News—God’s mighty acts—in unexpected and wondrous ways.
Each version of the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost that we hear today starts in the same setting, with a detail that is easily overlooked or taken for granted. The disciples were gathered together in one place. This was not inevitable. After all, they had scattered like leaves in the wind when Jesus was crucified. They were afraid then and they were still afraid now, on Pentecost. Still, they came together as one. Perhaps that was the work of the Spirit even before its manifestation. Similarly, the Holy Spirit draws us together today. Despite our various fears or concerns or preoccupations, we gather here as one to worship the Lord
Question of the Week
How do I carry out the Christian mission in what I say and do? How can each of the gifts of the Holy Spirit—wisdom, understanding, counsel, knowledge, fortitude, piety, and fear of the Lord—aid in my mission?
-from Pastoral Patterns
readings of the mass
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The Sunday offerings are a portion of our blessings that we give to God (Church) in gratitude to what God has done for us...ONLINE GIVING OPTIONS
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