Saint John wrote that when we love one another God’s love is brought to perfection in us. What an appropriate reading for Mother’s Day! For many of us, our mother’s love may have seemed to be close to perfection, our first and greatest model of selfless love. As we worship God, who is love, let us pray for all those blessed women who have brought God’s love to perfection in our lives.
Introduction to the Liturgy of the Word
The apostles prayed to the Lord for guidance before choosing a replacement for Judas. In the Gospel, Jesus prays for all the disciples, whom he loves. In between, John tells us that because God loves us, we must love one another in turn. Jesus has shown them the way, the early Christian community has put it into practice, and now we are told to do the same. In so doing, as John says, God will remain in us.
John writes that Jesus prayed to his Father that the disciples may be one. Ideally, the disciples would always pray and speak and act with one accord, but realistically, disagreements and discord arise. Therefore, it is crucial that the disciples commit to reconciling with each other whenever this happens. God’s love is the glue that binds us together. Ultimately, we need to love each other with a selfless and forgiving love, as Jesus showed on the cross. This is why John writes to the early church that we must love one another. He is appealing to the entire faith community to love each other with a reconciling love so that all remain as one.
By remaining in love with each other, the early Christians committed themselves to taking care of each other, supporting each other, and defending each other, especially important in a fledgling community that was persecuted by the authorities. We too commit ourselves to caring for one another even when that places us in a difficult position.God,” Peter points out, “shows no partiality” (Acts 10:34). Indeed, while Peter preached about God and Jesus, the Holy Spirit came down upon Cornelius and all the other Gentiles, prompting Peter to see to it that these outsiders were baptized. Remember, Peter was one of those personally told by Jesus, “This is my commandment: love one another as I love you” (John 15:12). Today we hear him put it into action. May it challenge us to show God’s love to one another as well.
Jesus would not have prayed specifically to his Father that his disciples may be one if he hadn’t realized that this would be difficult, that their unity would be fragile. Already he knew one disciple would betray him and another would deny him. Soon he would send them out into the world, where they would have to deal with people and issues that would prove difficult. So he prays to the Father for their unity and their protection. Then he sends the Spirit to remain with them, to bind them together, to protect them in their faith.
Question of the Week
How have I experienced disunity with other Christians? How can I reconcile with those whom I disagree with?
-from Pastoral Patterns
readings of the mass
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