On Friday, July 3rd at 6:30PM, there will be a special Vigil Mass for Independence Day. There will be no morning week day Mass on Friday July 3rd. Receive the Eucharist during the week.
Starting on Sunday July 6th, there will be an additional Sunday Mass at 7:30AM. Our weekend Mass schedule is Saturdays at 4:00PM and Sundays at 7:30AM & 9:00AM.
We are planning a special outdoor Mass for children in Grades 1 -6 and their families on Sunday, June 28th at 5:15PM. Please sign up for this Mass so that we may prepare the outdoor space in keeping with current health and safety guidelines.
On Friday June 19th, 2020, Catholics all over the world celebrate the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Devotion to the wounded heart of Jesus has its origins in the eleventh century, when pious Christians meditated on the Five Wounds of Christ.
On Saturday June 13th, 2020 at the 4:00PM Mass and Sunday June 14th, 2020 at the 9:00AM Mass, we celebrate the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, also known as Corpus Christi. This Feast commemorates the immense gift of the Eucharist in our lives and in the Church.
Beginning June 22, the Feast of Saints Thomas More and John Fisher, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops celebrates Religious Freedom Week. Join us in promoting religious freedom For the Good of All.