The Catholic Women Association of Worcester from Saint Joan of Arc Parish have known Fr. Anthony since his days of preaching in Worcester. They could not be stopped by the snow and sleet from visiting us at the 10:30 Mass on March 10th and showing their support to Fr. Anthony!
During the week of March 10th, 2019, volunteers are wanted to prepare and deliver meals to the Montachusett Interfaith Hospitality Network (MIHN) located in Leominster. Also, look for donation tags in the church for volunteers to generously purchase food goods for MIHN.
All are welcome to join us on Saturday, March 9th, 2019 at 5 pm for a Saint Patrick's dinner, Irish music and Irish Step-dancers. Because of the preparation of the meal, tickets will not be sold at the door. Tickets are to be purchased in advance for $10 per individual, or $30 per family.
Starting Friday March 8th, 2019 and during the Fridays of Lent, the devotion of the Stations of the Cross will be held from 6:30 PM to 7 PM in our church. All are welcome.
On Friday, March 1st at 7:00 pm its Team Trivia Night! Come join us for a fun evening and a little exercise for your brain. All are welcome, so bring your family and friends. Free to play!
Please join us on Saturday, February 9th 2019 at the 4 pm Mass for the Celebration of Marriage. All couples from our parish and from the community who are married in the Catholic Church are welcomed and encouraged to renew their marriage vows with Fr. Anthony. Immediately following the Mass, there will be a catered dinner for the honored couples in our church hall.
Click here to register for the event!